We arrived at Kaiser Riverside at 2am and my parents and sister were already there waiting for us. They hooked me up to the monitor and said checked me, I was 2 centimeters dialated. Since the contractions were coming regular they decided to break my water. They started an IV and the long process of labor started. Around 6am I received an epidural because I was throwing up and having back labor. I finally got to seven centimeters but the baby was not active, no longer dropping, was facing the wrong direction, and I had a fever. They knew that something was wrong so around noon they started prepping me for a c-section. The c-section was a huge disappointment.
At 12:22pm, Levi Dieder was born at a gigantic 9lbs! So it turns out the reason he was not coming was because of his size, even though none of the doctors predicted that he was a big baby. While laying on the table I could hear the hospital staff say "oh my gosh, what a huge baby!" The c-section was very scary and I shook the whole time. I awoke a hour later in recovery and they told me that Levi was in the NICU because he had respiratory problems when he was born. So they wheeled me into the NICU and I got to see him and touch his feet.
The next few days were spent in the NICU trying to get him to eat enough so that he could be discharged. It was sad to hear all the babies in the next rooms crying, while mine was in the NICU. Finally, on the 10th we got to bring little Levi home!
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