Levi did Ice Skating Winter camp during his school break. He was pretty excited but started falling as soon as he started. He sobbed to his coach that he wanted to go home about an hour into it. They went outside and did street hockey for awhile. Then he put his ice skates back on and started skating on his own. The look of pride on his face when he showed me how well he was doing when I picked him up was so amazing. By the end of the week he was skating so well and was starting to pick up hockey pretty well.
Alicia and Troy Plus Two Boys

Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Levi's School Christmas Performance
Levi's class sang Feliz Navidad and Mele Kalikimaka. Then the kids went and took a picture with Santa!
Award Time
Levi got his first school award for knowing all of his letter sounds. He puts so much effort into everything he does at school. We are so proud of him!
Pancake Breakfast with Santa
We went to see Santa at Woodcrest Ace Hardware for a pancake breakfast. The kids had a great time and got to spend time talking with Santa.
Picking out a Christmas Tree
We went and picked out an expensive Christmas tree at the lot by our house. The kids had fun helping decorate it. The beauty of it quickly dwindled as Beau took half the ornaments off and Triggers tail knocked off countless more. It has been really chilly this winter and with the heater on constantly it soon became a fire hazard full of sharp pine needles. Needless to say it was thrown out and left curb side the day after Christmas. Still not willing to do away with the tradition of going out and picking the perfect tree.
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Halloween 2015
What a fun Halloween we had this year as members of the Avengers Superheroes. Levi was Iron Man and Beau was the Hulk. He had been talking about being the Hulk for weeks, he was so excited! Cousin Chase was a pilot. Uncle Travis was a football player and Aunt Rosanna was a cheer leader. Troy smoked some ribs and we had some family over before trick or treating. We took the kids around in the wagon and trick or treated until 8:30.
Friday, September 18, 2015
Laughlin Family Trip
My Mom`s side of the family has a yearly trip to Laughlin and we went this year! Levi loved the river and was out swimming the whole time. He loved driving the boat with Uncle Ray and jumping off the boat everytime we stopped. My sister announced she is pregnant with her second baby while we were there. Beau had a great time playing in the sand but ended up with the stomach flu at the end of the trip. We cant wait to go back next year and play at the river.
Thursday, August 27, 2015
First Day of Kindergarten
Levi's first day of kindergarten was this week and I was nervous about getting him up early and if he would do alright on his first day! He woke up easily and was really excited to go! There were no tears, not even from me. He loves his teacher and she seems very sweet! He gets a zoo buck everyday if he is on good behavior and if he gets five he gets a prize. So proud of how well he is settling in at school. He was so excited on his second day of school when he pulled out his second tooth during floor time! His friend Beckett is in his class which is pretty neat!I picked out a really nice outfit for him but he refused to wear it and went to his room and put on his Minecraft shirt and Spiderman shoes.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Trigger is our golden retriever that we adopted from the pound a few years ago. He has been the best dog we have ever had. He is eager to please, loyal and has a kind heart. We love him so much!
Levi Loses his First Tooth
Levi's tooth had been wiggling for awhile and then one morning he realized the tooth had fallen out! He was so excited! We have no idea where the tooth ended up or when he lost it but we can imagine that it now resides in his tummy. We left the tooth fairy a note about our situation. She used her magic wand to zap it out of his belly and left him $2!
Saturday, July 4, 2015
Fourth of July
We celebrated the Fourth of July at Ron and Suzanne's this year and had a great time! The kids went swimming all day long and then had a slumber party at their grandparents house. When the sun went down we drove around the corner and watched fireworks from a lookout spot. Beau doesn't like floaties and will only go in the pool with me, so it was a lot of work chasing him around all day.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
A Visit from Auntie Amber
Auntie Amber and cousin Chase came to visit so we decided to a photo shoot. The kids were so well behaved.They stayed for two weeks and we had a lot of fun! We celebrated Chases second birthday at my parents house with swim party. We stayed at the Marriot in San Diego for a few days which was a lot of fun. Levi had a virus and had a fever the whole time we were there but was still a trooper.
Friday, June 12, 2015
Levi's End of the Year Performance
Levi's pre-school had a big end of the the year performance where all the classes got up to sing songs. After, the students went to their classroom to show their parents everything they had worked on throughout the year. Levi and his best friend Madden had to take pictures together of course.
Saturday, June 6, 2015
Levi's Promotion from Pre-School
Levi had his pre-school promotion at school and it makes me so sad that he will most likely never see a lot of the kids that he has built relationships with at school ever again. He has learned so much at pre-school and I am excited and nervous about him moving on to Kindergarten! He is going to an awesome school and that makes the transition a little easier. So proud of Levi and all of his accomplishments throughout his pre-school years.
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