We did a Easter egg hunt in the morning at our house. Then we went to Gogo's house, had lunch and did another easter egg hunt. Dinner was at Pops Toms and Grandma's house and then we had another Easter egg hunt with the cousins.
Alicia and Troy Plus Two Boys

Monday, April 28, 2014
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Easter Eggs with the Cousins
We decorated eggs and made rice crispy treat nests with the cousins the day before Easter. The kids all loved making eggs together.
Easter Pictures
Levi and Beau both loved visiting the Easter bunny this year. Levi told him what he wanted for Easter but didn't want to do a picture. Beau thought the Easter bunny was so soft and sat there and petted him.
Monday, April 7, 2014
Disneyland for Levi's Birthday!
My mom took off work and we took the boys to Disneyland for Levi's birthday! We had so much fun! Levi went on Splash Mountain and Thunder Mountain for the first time! Thunder Mountain was his favorite.
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Levi Turns Four!!
I can't believe my little boy is four already! Levi loves to count and is learning letters and their sounds. His favorite thing to do is build a fort out of couch cushions. He loves to sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" in the car. Levi has become very attached to his bear "Teddy", he sleeps with him and carries him into our room in the morning. He no longer uses pull ups at night and very rarely has accidents. We are so proud of him! For his birthday we went to Ferrel's for dinner and ice cream. The day after his birthday we went to Disneyland with Nanny. On Beau's birthday was planned a joint party for both boys.
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Eleven Months
Beau is eleven months old and has yet to take those first steps. He stands up really sturdy and then changes his mind and sits down. Beau likes to climb up the slide and play with his brother on the swingset. He doesn't like to be strapped down in a stroller and yells if he sits too long. He loves to point and say "oowh" at everything. He loves to do fine motor activities such as building legos, coloring and stacking objects. He is such a happy and shy boy.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
10 Months
Ten months has been an exciting month for Beau which involved alot of crawling and eating. Beau speed crawls and cant get to things fast, especially dog food. He will eat anything you give him so I have to watch what goes into his mouth. He seems like a pretty smart baby, he watches intently and already imitates my actions. For instance, he saw me coloring in a book and picked up a crayon and moved it around on the paper. Levi is not always good about sharing and Beau will scream at him if he isn't being fair. He loves to push his toys around and I am sure he will take his first steps soon.
Prado Lake
We went camping with the Weeks Family and had so much fun. We got Levi a Captain America bike for his birthday and put it together there. Troy and Levi caught a huge fish and Levi was a bit devastated when Daddy gave it to someone. We went to the park and splash area and the kids had a blast. Levi and Mason were the best of friends.
Paukie picked up a swingset and re-finished it for us! We love to spend time outside on our swingset! Paukie is the best:)
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
The Zoo
We all went to the Phoenix Zoo with the Robinsons and we met up with my Uncle Ray, Aunt Kim, Kiara, Nicole and baby Saige. This was the first time we have ever met Saige, she is so cute. We had a great day at the Zoo and saw lots of animals.
Driving to Arizona
Auntie Amber came into town with Chase and we decided to take a road trip to see Alex and Jason's new place. It was a five hour drive with the kids and they did great. Levi and Payton had so much fun and got along really well that first day or so. We got to meet baby Liam and he is so adorable! Alex and the kids drove home with us and flew back home at the end of the week.
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