Alicia and Troy Plus Two Boys

Wednesday, December 18, 2013
7 months
Beau is seven months old now and he loves to screech when he is being ignored. He gets mad and arches his back when I try to put him in the high chair or car seat. He has two teeth and makes slurping noises when he knows he is about to eat. He scoots and rolls around but makes no attempt to crawl. He is a big boy and already wears twelve month clothes. I wish he would stay smaller and be my baby a little longer.
Santa at the Hardware Store
Levi got to eat a pancake breakfast and hang out with Santa at the Hardware store. He made a craft and used so much glitter that I am pretty sure will make interior of my car sparkle for a year. He asked Santa how he gets down the chimney:) It is so fun when they understand and get into the holidays!
Polar Express
Pops Tom and Gramma got us all a cabin in Williams Arizona over Thanksgiving break! We had a wonderful turkey dinner on Thanksgiving night. The whole family dressed up in matching pajamas and went on the Polar Express train ride. Levi was so excited to meet Santa and get a bell. What a magical trip! We visited the Grand Canyon and the fog was so bad that we couldn't see the canyon, what a bummer:(
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Our big boy is Three and a Half
Levi is three and a half years old already! I can't believe how fast time flies by! He has become such a wonderful big brother and loves to hold his baby brothers hand in the car. Levi is doing better at learning how to share. He is slow to warm and gets a little anxious in new situations. His imagination is starting to take off and he likes to pretend he is a super hero. He loves to play computer games ever since he mastered how to use the mouse. Levi loves to build forts and ride his bike or big wheel. If Mommy is cooking in the kitchen he is close by helping me prepare the food. Love my little buddy!
Six Months
Beau was six months old this month! Happy half birthday Buddy:) Beau was waking up a million times a night to nurse and would only sleep with me. After a night of crying it out, he now sleeps in his own crib and only wakes up once or twice to eat. He got his first two teeth on the bottom. Beau started to eat solids and seems to like baby food but always looks grossed out after the first few bites. His pediatrician said that he is 19.4 pounds and a little over 26 inches long. He weighs more than Levi but is shorter than he was.
This year we went Trick or Treating in our neighborhood as a family of Super Heroes! Levi didn't take a nap at school and got tired pretty quickly. After that we stuck around the house and handed out candy. We got nearly two hundred Trick or Treaters.
Five Months
My five month old is such a happy and mellow little baby:) He started sitting up this month and seems to be pretty good at it. If you hold him in front of you he will jump like a mad man. He is good in the car and stroller. His favorite place to be is outside.
Potty Training
Levi has been peeing in the toilet since he was two but seemed to have a strange fear of pooping in the toilet. So, I told him if he put all of his diapers in a box and left it outside the Diaper Fairy would leave him a present. The Diaper Fairy came that day and left him a Trash Truck Play Doh set. That day he pooped in the toilet and has been ever since! Mommy is a genius, lol.
Apex Center
The Apex center has a indoor water park and the boys had so much fun splashing around. Levi went down the kid slides and adult slides!
Pumpkin Patch
Colorado Babies
Beau and Chase are only two months apart! They both tried solid foods together:) They love eachother. Levi loves to hold their hands and talk to them in a high pitched voice, the babies do not wish to comment on this;)
Beau's first time on an Airplane:)
We went and visited Auntie Amber in Colorado with Nanny! Beau and Levi were so good on the plane ride, I am a proud Mommy!
Monday, October 21, 2013
Pumpkin Patch
We went to a Pumpkin Patch off Cajalco with the Lamb Family. There were baby chicks to hold, pumpkins to pick, and jumpies.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Life as a Penguin
The new school year started so Levi moved to a different classroom with the lower three year olds. Unfortunately, he really missed his teachers and all of his friends got moved to the older three year old classroom. There were some tears each time I took him to school and even considered taking him out of pre-school. Levi has finally adjusted and loves school again:)
Camping at Rancho Jurupa
We camped at Rancho Jurupa since Daddy's union picnic was there! We roasted smores, went to the splash park, fed the ducks, and rode bikes! Levi was in heaven! It was Beau's first camping trip:)
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