My cousin Alexandra and her husband Jason welcomed a new baby into the world and before Christmas time! Welcome Payton! Levi can't wait to run around with you! I took these pictures of Payton on Christmas day at Jojo's house.
Levi had a wonderful Christmas and enjoyed opening all of his presents this year. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Auntie Amber visited and Levi enjoyed spending time with her. Right after Christmas Levi got a cold which put a damper on New Years.
Mommy says that I say "no" way too much this month! I tell her what I want to eat by nodding or yelling "no"! I have learned so many words this month my favorites are: cookie, ducky, and park. I am obsessed with my books and make mommy or daddy read them to me a million times a day. I give amazing hugs and kisses:) My mom takes me to museums and to the park all the time! I am so glad that daddy works hard so that mommy can stay home with me!
Pops Tom and Gramma Lynette took me and my cousin for pictures at Picture People! They even got us matching took awhile to go because the stomach flu was being passed around. Now everyone is all better!