My cousin Alexandra and her husband Jason welcomed a new baby into the world and before Christmas time! Welcome Payton! Levi can't wait to run around with you! I took these pictures of Payton on Christmas day at Jojo's house.
Levi had a wonderful Christmas and enjoyed opening all of his presents this year. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Auntie Amber visited and Levi enjoyed spending time with her. Right after Christmas Levi got a cold which put a damper on New Years.
Mommy says that I say "no" way too much this month! I tell her what I want to eat by nodding or yelling "no"! I have learned so many words this month my favorites are: cookie, ducky, and park. I am obsessed with my books and make mommy or daddy read them to me a million times a day. I give amazing hugs and kisses:) My mom takes me to museums and to the park all the time! I am so glad that daddy works hard so that mommy can stay home with me!
Pops Tom and Gramma Lynette took me and my cousin for pictures at Picture People! They even got us matching took awhile to go because the stomach flu was being passed around. Now everyone is all better!
For Thanksgiving great Aunt Tammy, Uncle Bobby and Andrea, were visiting from Utah. We all had a early Thanksgiving feast at Jojo's house! Then we headed home and napped so that mama could do some last minute tidying on the house. We were supposed to have dinner at Aunt Alicia's and Uncle Ryan's but Brady got the stomach flu really bad so we had to fill in. Dinner was alot of fun, I got to play with Roni and Rylan. Danielle and Jason came by to announce their engagement, congrats guys!
Brady, Rylan, Auntie Alicia, Mama, and Nana, came along to the Train Museum to see Thomas the Train. I loved riding on the trains but enjoyed the petting zoo and jumpers the best. I loved climbing up and down the model trains, tons of fun! Brady loves trains and was in heaven all day!
Mommy says 18 months has been the best month of all. I am so happy and I listen when mommy tells me not to do something. I love to cuddle and read books with Dada. I can say: Nana, no, mama, dada, bad, froggy, Brady, etc. Mom has to drag me out of the bath tub because I love it so much, I like to fill up cups and dump them out. I loved going to all of the pumpkin patches this month and trick or treating. Mommy talks to me and tells me to get in my car seat and stroller and I listen.
Halloween was so much fun! It was my first time trick or treating and I loved it! I was a puppy, Rylan a butterfly, and Brady a firefighter. We had dinner at our house and then headed out with Mama, Dada, Nana, Grampy, Auntie Alicia, Uncle Ryan, Auntie Alisa, and GGMA Marjie. We had so much fun that we went to twenty houses! I loved all of the lolly pops. Happy Halloween!
Mama, Auntie Alicia, Uncle Ryan, Brady, Rylan, and I, all went to Oak Glen for some Fall fun! We went to the petting zoo and saw the pig races. We went on a mini train ride and a pony ride. We ended the evening by going to the Halloween house in Orangecrest, mommy spent the whole time chasing me around. I just wanted to push the stroller around, I am not a sit and watch kinda guy.
Mama, Nana, Auntie Amber, both GGMA's, Regina, Claire, and Jeremiah, all came along to the Live Oak Pumpkin Patch. We went to the petting zoo where a goat tried to eat mama's hair and Jeremiah played tag with a turkey. We went out to the pumpkin patch and picked out our own pumpkins. Claire and Levi went on the ponies, Levi kindly signed "more" once his ride was over. The kids went on a lot of jumpies and a motorcycle train ride. We had so much fun, except for when I face planted when I leaped out of the jumpy opening.
Rylan's second birthday was owl themed and the party favors were Owl pillows, so cute! Rylan looked so adorable in her owl shirt! Rylan is such a sweet little girl, very soft spoken and polite. She lets auntie Alicia do her hair because she has some unruly hair! I can't believe she is two, it seems like just yesterday that I held her in the hospital. Happy Birthday little one!
Levi had his 18 months appointment today which included chasing him around the downstairs lobby until his name was called. Levi weighs 24 pounds and is 32 inches tall. The pediatrician said that his height is average and that he is on the skinny side. Looks like he is following in his parents footsteps height and weight wise. What a great visit, no shots!
The Rendler family all came together to celebrate Uncle Ray's wedding to Kim! We hitched a ride with Grandpy, Nana, and GGMA! It was a six hour trip there which included a rest stop to a Carls Jr playplace. Mommy was so proud of me I did such a good job on the way there and back! Uncle Ray carried me on his back and we went on a hike around the Bell Rock with a whole bunch of the family. The wedding was so wonderful but we missed the dancing because I had to go back to the hotel to go to bed. We all went to sliding rock and Mama, Nana, and Auntie Amber went down the rock slide in 57 degree water, brrr! Then we went on a jeep off roading tour and believe it or not I took a nap on it! I eventually woke up and enjoyed the bumpy ride!
Nana, Grandpy, Dada, and Mama took me to Pumpkin Patch called Big Horse Patch in Temecula. I went on two pony rides, a jumpy slide, a hay ride, and played in corn kennels. I loved the corn kennels, I rolled around and did snow angels in them.