Alicia and Troy Plus Two Boys

Alicia and Troy Plus Two Boys

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Nursery

Troy has been busy working on the nursery for some time now! He put in Laminate wood floors and assembled the crib and dresser! We are so excited for little Levi to enjoy his room.

Our trip to Labor and Delivery

I had a normal weekly appointment with my nurse practitioner at the Wildomar Kaiser. I woke up not feeling well and Levi wasn't moving around like normal. So when we arrived at our appointment they sent us to Labor and Delivery in Riverside to get checked out. They hooked my belly up to monitors and after some time Levi began moving around again. She checked me and said that I was 2cm dialated and that his head is low. So all was well and we went home, but we are hoping he will come soon, we are excited!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

9 Months(36 Weeks)

I am now in my last month, yay. Which means that I am starting to have doctor appointments every week. I had an appointment today and my nurse practitioner said everything looks great. He is head first and has a great heartbeat! She thinks he probably weighs around five pounds.
We are trying to get ready for baby Levi's arrival by preparing his clothes and taking classes. I washed all of Levi's newborn and 0-3 months clothes and put them away in the closet. Amber and I attended a birthing class last week and learned about breathing techniques and hospital procedure. Next, we need to pack our hospital bags and pray that we don't have to share a room in recovery! Here is a 9 month belly picture:

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My Baby Shower

My baby shower went off without a hitch on the stormy day of February 27th 2010. Tons of people came and we received plenty of presents for baby Levi. Amber did a great job organizing the event and decorated our place really nice! My mom bought a adorable Safari cake from a bakery, it was delicious. My mother-in law Lynette, picked up some really good subs from Delia's Grinders in Riverside. I was so pleased with my Baby Shower and so grateful for everyone who fought the rainy weather to come! Troy tried so hard to get the wood floors ready for the baby shower and threw out his back on Valentine's Day, poor guy:(