Alicia and Troy Plus Two Boys

Alicia and Troy Plus Two Boys

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas and 8 months

Eight months is so much fun! I love to crawl and stand up on everything. I clap, smack my lips together and shake my head so much that I get dizzy. My two front teeth and two of my lower teeth are all coming in at once. I had so much fun at Christmas Eve at Great Aunt Tanya's house! On Christmas day I opened all of my presents from Santa, I was so happy! Then we went to Grandma and Grandpa Maze's and I got even more presents. Then off to Pops Toms and Grandma's house for even more presents and some quality time with my cousins Brady and Rylan. Then we headed to Great Grandma Joyce's for a turkey lunch and I got a musical stand and play table, I love it! Once I woke up from my nap, we headed to Aunt Alicia and Uncle Ryan's for a turkey dinner and more fun with my cousins! What a busy Christmas Day!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Santa Clause

Mommy, Aunt Amber, and Grandma Diana took me to the Riverside Plaza to meet Santa Clause. The first time I sat on his lap I looked at him and got scared and cried! So mommy decided we would try later and we went back and tried again after awhile. The second time I was not scared at all and smiled like a ham for the camera! Christmas is so exciting!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Seven Months

Seven months was so much fun for me! I had my first Thanksgiving and got to spend a ton of time with all of my family. I am such a big boy so mommy had to put away my swing, my vibrating chair, and my jumper! These days I prefer crawling all over the place and standing up on everything. Mommy felt bad that I got sick and gave me some of my Christmas presents early and I love to stand up and press the buttons on them. I like to eat runny food and my Oh's but nothing lumpy or green. Our kitty James passed away this month, I will miss petting her everyday!

Friday, November 26, 2010

My First Thanksgiving and Mommy's 26th Birthday!

I had my first Thanksgiving this month and it was so much fun. I got a nasty cold from daddy but I fought through the sniffles and spent time with my family. Great Uncle Ray, Kiara and Nikki came to visit from Arizona! It is so funny when Great Uncle Ray makes Donald Duck noises for me! Great Aunt Tammy, Great Uncle Bobby, Andrea and Amanda came to visit from Utah! We started Thanksgiving off at Great Grandma Joyce's house, I slept through lunch but I heard it was yummy! Then we went to Aunt Alicia and Uncle Balls house to see more of the family! What a fun Thanksgiving!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Live Oak Canyon

Auntie Amber came into town for Fall break, so we decided to go to Live Oak Canyon Pumpkin Patch two days before Halloween. Great Aunt Tanya, Briana, Great Grandma Marjie, Grandma Diana, Auntie Amber and mommy all got together to go. We went into the petting zoo where I got to pet some very fat goats and sheep. Then, I got to go on my very first pony ride, mommy walked next to the pony and I held onto the saddle and was very excited during the whole ride! Kodiak never lets me ride on her back that long! We continued on to the Corn Maze and found all of the hidden clues in the Maze and won Halloween beads! Then, we picked out a wheel barrow and looked high and low until we all found the perfect pumpkin to buy. So much fun! Auntie Amber and mommy made a Pumpkin pie out of one of the pumpkins we got at the patch and I got to eat pureed pumpkin, yum! Auntie Amber left on Halloween, I am going to miss her:( Mommy and me dressed up for Halloween and handed out candy to all of the boys and girls!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Rylan

My cousin Rylan turned one recently and we went to her first birthday and it was so much fun! Rylan was so happy, walking around in her cute little tutu! Happy Birthday Rylan, I know we are going to have so much fun playing together one day!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

New member of the Household

I am so excited because we picked up a pound puppy to join our family. He is a male, golden retriever and he is two and half years old. He was brought to the shelter because he was a stray and he is very skinny! Daddy decided to name him Trigger but after we picked him out he got sick and had to spend a month in isolation on antibiotics until he could get fixed and come home. He is such a nice doggy, he lets me pull on his ears and hair and doesn't mind at all! Trigger loves to cuddle and I can't wait to run around with him one day!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Oak Glen

We all went to Oak Glen this fall to have some fun with all of the kids! Aunt Alicia, Uncle Ryan and the kids came, as well as Auntie Alisa. Cousin Natalie and Roni met us there later on. We had so much fun eating barbecue food and we got an apple pie. The best part was the petting zoo! The kids loved the petting zoo, Levi smiled at all of the fat goats. Roni petted the goats and Brady grabbed all of their tails. It got really cold so I put Levi's halloween costume on and a little boy in the petting zoo asked what Levi was and his dad replied "that is a baby".

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Six Months

I had my six month appointment this week and I found out that I am 18pounds and 28 inches long! Mommy says that 28 inches means that I am really tall, the ninety first percentile to be exact. I am getting really good at sitting up and Grandma and Grandpa Maze got me a walker and I love it! I am so close to crawling, I practice everyday and sometimes I can crawl two or three times before going to my tummy! Mommy let me cry it out a few times and now I sleep all the way through the night in my crib! My cousin Rylan is going to turn a year this month, I can't wait to go to her birthday party. We also adopted a dog named Trigger from the shelter but he got sick and cannot come home until he is better. Much to my daddy's dismay my mommy dressed me like a bear the day that I turned six months. Here are some pictures of me as a bear and pictures from my doctors appointment.

Friday, October 1, 2010

5 months

Five months was so much fun for me, I just love to laugh and put everything in my mouth! I have almost mastered sitting up and I love sleeping in my crib. I have been in a little bit of pain because my two bottom teeth are coming in! In the mornings I love to jump like crazy in my jumperoo and crack a huge smile when I see Mickey Mouse on the television. I am starting to enjoy food but usually more of it ends up on me rather than in my mouth! If you look at the first picture closely you can see my two bottom teeth.